My 'New' House

Thursday, July 31, 2008

As promised in my previous post here is the special post about my 'new' house. Actually, this 'new' house is not really new because it was built in 1989 (if I'm not mistaken) and I bought it from the 2nd owner. Luckily, this house was nicely improved by the previous owner and I just add a few repairs here and there.

Here's the living room ..

here is my room..

here is my children's room..

here is the dining room..

and here is the kitchen..

It's just a simple and humble house in a humble neighborhood. Hopefully, we can live peacefully and blessed by Allah SWT. Amin.


Anonymous said...

wow rumah baru mba Defi cantik, rapi dan bersih. Saya salut deh. Salam sehat buat keluarga yah

Unknown said...

wah mbak Defi rumahnya asri sekali ga kayak apartemenku yang kayak kapal pecah hihihihi

Defi said...

@herlan & rumah lina : alhamdulillah.. mksh ya! sebenernya ada ruangan khusus buat anak-anak main komputer & main2, naah, itulah ruangan yang selalu kayak kapal pecah every day, he..he..

The Diary said...

duh... rapi banget rumahnya mbak... kapan ya aku punya rumah???

Defi said...

@lyla : sabar ya, lyla.. mgkn saat ini blm yg terbaik utk kamu punya rmh sdr.. suatu saat nti, jika Allah SWT menghendaki, pasti akan diberikanNya :)