A Beautiful Surprise.. A Beautiful Award from Bunda Salma

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What a beautiful surprise ! I've got this award from Bunda Salma and am very honored. Thanks a million, Sis!

Now, the award goes to :
  1. Deayunatali, My lovely li'l sister
  2. Izzul, My Great nephew
  3. Lyla, My beautiful sister (in law), I know you've already got this, who cares..?
  4. Ayah Fara and Dinda, I've read your book about WP, it's great!
  5. Ayah Fadli and Rina, for all the help I've got when I was in Pempek City
  6. Kang Boim, for your routine visit eventhough my blog is not updated..
  7. Last but not least, Bunda Salma, for awarding this to me..
The rules for awarding this Brillante Award are:
  1. Put the logo on your blog
  2. Add a link to the person who awarded you
  3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs (so, feel free to nominate as many blogs as you like)
  4. Add links to those blogs on yours
  5. Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs


Anonymous said...

thx for the award sis! ;)

Defi said...

you're welcome, li'l sis :)

The Diary said...

makasih ya mbak dah kasih award buat aku...

Defi said...

@lyla : sama2, lyla :)