Again, my sister in law, that productive blogger has been given a tag and an award. Then again, she passes me the award. Merci beaucoup, Lyla!
Frankly speaking, I think I don't quite deserve this kind of tag and award 'cause I'm not such an active blogger as she is. But, as a token of appreciation I think I should post them, though.
The Rules: 1.) Put the logo in your post. 2.) Write 5 things you are passionate about aside from blogging. 3.) Tag 5 people on your lists and let them know you tagged them.
Five things I’m passionate about apart from blogging :
1. Browsing
2. Shopping
3. Travelling
4. Eating :D
5. Sleeping
Now, I am tagging all bloggers who visit this blog cause you all deserve this tag. Happy tagging!
aku juga suka banget eating habis itu sleeping deh huehehe:p tapi aku gak suka tagging *kaburrr ah*
aku suka banget nungging, korban pake ing...hihihi
@wen & @febrie...iya neh, lagi hobi ing2an gini...gara2 dikasih PR ma Lyla, musti dikerjain, kalo ga nti disetrap...xixixi..!
kalo ngup-ing? xixixi... korban akhiran -ing juga kan?
hehehe... akhirnya selesai juga ya PR nya :)
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